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Sponserships & Donations are Welcome

Be a resource to others by alleviating the monetary burden of seeking help

All sponsorships & donations will be going toward the monthly cost of running this website as well as towards funds to subsidize therapy for women in need.


If you would like to sponsor money li'iluy nishmas a loved one, you can zelle your donation to 203-808-0324.


I would be happy to post a dedication of your loved one on this page during your sponsorship month!

Sponsoring Charity in a Loved Ones Memory


The Torah teaches us that our physical life here on this Earth is but a temporary existence, one in which the objective is to serve G-d by following His Torah & mitzvos. 


We are promised a great reward for living a life of Torah and mitzvos. A reward that we cannot possibly appreciate how magnificent it will be, yet one that is more pleasurable than all of the pleasures we know of from our human experience combined. 


Once we pass on from this world & leave our physicality behind, we are no longer able to accumulate mitzvos and therefore cannot increase our reward except in one way. When a mitzvah is performed in the merit of one who has passed on, that merit serves as a catalyst to bring the neshama an aliya (literally meaning the neshama comes closer to Hashem). A neshma's greatest joy is coming closer to its Creator and the levels of closeness are infinite.

Therefore, the greatest gift to a loved one who is no longer here physically is dedicating a kind deed, some charity, or a mitzvah of some kind in their memory. 


May your contributions be a source of merit for your loved ones and may we all merit seeing the final redemption in our times and the ultimate peace restored to our lives.


About Your Loved One

Your Loved One's Name Here

If you'd like to share something about the loved one you are sponsoring or donating on behalf of, please email me the content you would like me to post.

The content on this website should not replace the advice of a competent professional or rabbinic authority who knows you & your situation well. 

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©2022 by Closer Connections for Jewish Women.

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