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Life Saving Boundries

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Why is he going to shul so late

What’s he doing on his phone

Why do you need an iPhone

My mother would ask

And I would cringe

When my husband woke up late

At my parents house

I felt such shame

I felt interrogated about our whereabouts

I felt threatened to participate in game night

When my husband wanted to walk with me and my mother wanted us to talk on the phone with my brother I was tugged on both sides

And the anger on my mothers face

So scary

The judgement

Why are you going for pizza

The cajoling

Stay another day

It’s not fair that you spend more time at your in-laws

Why don’t you come after birth

The pressure

Come on this trip with us

The lack of privacy

Coming into our bedroom

Your husband doesn’t help enough

Was the unsaid sentiment

I had to cover for him

And then I felt resentful

Why was he going for coffee

I was so confused

I felt torn

My husband wanted to spend intimate time with me

My mother desperate for my company

The need to fill her up

With joy

To fill her house with joy

The onus on me

Visiting with two babies was a nightmare

My mother couldn’t tolerate the mess

The pressure I felt to help my mother

To prevent her from being angry

To prevent her from abusing my siblings even more

Survivors guilt

My siblings angry

Judging me for moving on

For not spending more time with them

For making my own life

For finding emotional health and happiness

My mother empty nesting so lonely

I worried about her

Her emotions so big, splattering everywhere

Causing havoc to my marriage

Her clinging desperately to my kids

To my new family’s simchas

So needy for joy

Wanting more grandchildren

My husband did not like my city

Did not like going to my parents

I don’t blame him

We moved to Israel

They pressured me to take care of my young adult brother

While newly married with a baby

They came to visit

Expecting fancy suppers

Taking over my kitchen

Walking into the house whenever they pleased

They made my children and my husband and I uncomfortable with their unhealthy obsession with my children

Stay longer in Israel they said

Why are you leaving kollel

Why are you working full time

She judged

Just after birth my husband wanting to spend some time with me

My mother was insulted

The need to keep her happy

So hard

Then there were the biggies

Like when we visited other family members

My father’s harsh rebuke and disappointment

My mother’s icy silence

Every holiday marred by my mother’s disappointment

The straw that broke the camel's back

You need to come longer for the holiday

They demanded

Our rabbi says not to-

We said

They begged, pleaded

I cried all week

The Rabbi said not to go

We went for only for a few days

With the Rabbi’s blessing

A few months later

I was drowning in depression and anxiety

Traumatized from child abuse

My therapist and Rabbi said to create some distance with my parents

They begged pitifully

We stood our ground

We set up boundaries

Each one life saving for me

Slowly I am healing

They learned to stop begging

They still try to control their visits

I use all my energy to keep healthy boundaries while sharing our children with them

They visit

I spend time with them

To the degree I can tolerate

Without regressing

My marriage is blossoming

I love and respect my husband

I cherish the healthy home I’ve built

I see my siblings’ codependency

And cry for them

And feel so grateful for the boundaries we set and the boundaries we keep


The content here should not be used as advice in any way. Each woman needs to seek the counsel of a competent professional or an established Rav to make choices that are right for her and her family.

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