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Emotional Self Care

The idea of taking care of yourself while intentionally loving yourself

To start working on your marriage it may actually help to take a step back and just look at you for a moment. Because there are two partners in a marriage, the emotional, physical and spiritual well being of each, plays a factor in the overall health of the relationship.


Let's start with a quick check in:


How are you feeling?

Getting enough sleep?

Eating more or less nutritiously?

Hydrating sufficiently? (that would be water I'm talking about-not coffee)

Have a support system?


If the answers to all those are a resounding yes, then that's great! You are in a pretty good place right now and should be proud of yourself for taking such good care of the most important person of your life. If you answered no, or was hesitant to answer some of those questions, then those are some areas in your life that can use some attention.


Taking care of yourself is not just good for you, it's good for your husband, your family, and the people you interact with. We can only reasonably hope to be the best version of our selves when we have taken care of our basic needs first.


In addition to our physical needs, which we tend to be more aware, I want to discuss another important way of taking care of yourself. That would be - emotionally


Emotional self care is a blend of self care and loving yourself. You may have heard of the idea of self care. The concept of making time for yourself to do something you enjoy. This can feel totally unrealistic in the midst of your chaotic day. However, there are ways to do this that require no extra time at all and can have the same effects in the long run as the typical self care ideas that some of us tend to think of...getting our nails done, shopping, eating out etc...which are all great ideas as well - if you have the time, energy, and resources.


So here it is! Emotional self care is about being intentional with yourself. It's finding the kind voice inside of you- the one you reserve for when your speaking with a friend (not your closest friend, the kind of friend you still need to keep up pretenses of having it all together- that type of friend). Use that voice when you are taking care of yourself in small ways. For example, when you are getting yourself a cup or water or a coffee, at that time think to yourself "I'm taking care of you by getting this drink-because I love you". 


It sounds almost laughable and ridiculous, yet I ask you to reflect on how you would feel if you sent yourself loving, caring, messages such as these during the day. 


In fact I'd love for you to email me with the results after one week. Did you see a difference?

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