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Welcome To Closer Connections!

This website was created with the intention to share what I learned over the course of a year while speaking with my marriage coach.

I envisioned one destination where women could go to and easily access a diverse selection of resources to get themselves started on their journey towards closer connections.

About The Website

The content here focuses on steps that you can take to make your marriage better.


Because we cannot directly change the behaviors of others, I specifically don't speak about what your husband should be doing to work on your marriage. 


However, in many marriages even when only the woman is putting in the work, the husband will start to make changes as well. It's best to lower our expectations of that which is not in our control and if we are pleasantly surprised down the line - all the better.


For now lets focus on you-you deserve it!



The creation of this website is lovingly dedicated to my mother Nechama Sheinkopf A"H. Nechama spent her life pursuing her dreams with perseverance. She was a model for truth, dedication, and taking her vacations very seriously.  My mother was always looking to grow in her education, leadership skills and in her relationships. She had a way of speaking to people that made them feel engaged and empowered.


At home she was a loving wife who was tuned into the needs of her husband and was determined to help him reach his potential in a respectful and loving way.  Always careful to preserve the shalom bayis in her home and seek counsel from our Rav, Rabbi Yerucham Bensinger A"H whenever necessary. 

She was meticulous about staying away from topics relating to other people and was a beloved member of her family, community and workplace.

To me, my mother's most impressive achievements took place during her illness. Despite her pain, her burning desire to live, and her hardwired drive to care for her family, she never complained-not even in the privacy of closed doors with her husband. Instead, she used her time to learn about Emunah and to journal the small gifts Hashem gave her every day. My siblings and I took note of the change that took place in her during her illness. She became a tzadekes, accepting Hashem's will for the end of her life. She showed us what it meant to be fearless and brave, unwavering in her courage to live fully. Ever dignified and graceful in the way she carried herself and communicated with others, she lived her days with purpose and positivity, looking at what she had instead of what was being taken away.


It is my desire that the neshama of Nechama Aidel Malka Bas Alexander will have an aliya through the improved shalom bayis this platform hopes to bring into all of our homes. 




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